Founder President:
Dr. Sonkamble Satish (Postdoc, PhD Astrophysics, M.Sc. Physics, B.Ed)
Citations – 169
h-index – 8
i10-index – 6
AD World Scientists Rankings 2024
Main Research Areas:
Galaxy groups and clusters (using X-ray, radio & optical observations), Study of AGN feedback in the hot gas environment via X-ray cavities, shocks, cold fronts, gas sloshing, cluster dynamics, metal enrichment, the study of X-ray point sources, cluster merging systems, radio halos and relics, quenching and triggering star formation by AGN activity etc., and co-evolution of SMBH and galaxies. I am also interested in elements of pedagogy and the learning process.
Satish Sonkamble is a postdoctoral fellow at North West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa. He earned his M.Sc. in Physics from the School of Physical Sciences at Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University in Nanded in 2009. Afterward, he completed his doctoral studies and obtained a PhD in Physics from the same university in August 2017 under the guidance of Prof. M. K. Patil. Subsequently, he joined NCRA-TIFR as a project post-doctoral fellow for three years. He then moved to the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) – Astronomical Observatory of Padua in Padova, Italy for another postdoc. He has fourteen months of teaching experience as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, Electronics & Photonics at Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalaya in Latur (Autonomous) from June 2009 to August 2010. Additionally, he spent two months at Atharva College of Engineering in Mumbai as an Assistant Professor. Presently, he is the founder and president of the All India Council for Astronomy & Space Education (AICASE). He is also the Chairman and Managing Director of A2Z Astronomy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and held the position of MD/CEO at Astronomy Astrophysics online shopping (
Abroad Study Visits: USA, Italy, Brazil, China, South Africa
Research Description:
He is a professional astronomer with a background in physics. He works at AICASE, Latur where his time is split between research, teaching, and outreach. His research interests are in galaxy groups and clusters. This study is based on multiwavelength data. Currently, involved in the following research projects:
- Feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN):
The issue of AGN feedback is not yet fully understood. Despite extensive discussions in the literature, it is still not clear how an AGN transfers its power to the diffuse ambient plasma. Recently, there has been great interest in the process of “AGN feedback”, its role in galaxy formation, and the possibility that AGN feedback solves the over-cooling problem. Key issues include the effect of AGN feedback in regulating the cooling of the intra-cluster medium, how AGNs are fuelled in groups and clusters, and the physics of the balance between the heating and cooling process in the cores of groups and clusters. I am currently involved studies of samples of groups and clusters that aims to improve our understanding of AGN feedback processes.
- Investigation of X-ray cavities:
X-ray cavities have been detected in a large number of clusters, and are expected to arise due to AGN feedback. However, little information is available is on X-ray cavities at high redshifts, and it is not clear if and how AGN heating evolves across time. According to cosmological simulations, currently, black holes are in the “radio mode” of accretion (i.e. a mechanical mode), which involves accretion at sub-Eddington rates and the driving of powerful outflows, whereas at earlier times ( z >> 1), the “quasar mode” (i.e. a radiative mode) dominates, corresponding to a merger-driven phase where the black hole overgrows. I am investigating when and how this transition occurs in high-redshift systems.
- The co-evolution of black holes and galaxies:
Many astrophysicists now believe that we cannot understand how feedback operates, and how galaxies formed and evolved without understanding their central supermassive black holes in detail. Understanding the links between black hole growth and their host galaxies and the effect of AGN feedback on the black hole fueling and star formation are other topics of my interest.
Science Working Groups:
- Associate member of SKA Science Working group: Extragalactic Continuum (Galaxies/AGN, Galaxy Clusters) Focus Group – Galaxy Clusters and Large Scale Structure. —— Link
- Member of the Athena Science Working Group (SWG 1.3): AGN Feedback in Galaxy Clusters and Groups. —— Link
- Radio Galaxy Zoo: LOFAR (zooniverse)
- Galaxy Zoo (Analysis of rare Extended Emission Line Objects identified by Citizen Scientist volunteers)
Teaching Statement:
During my master’s, I really inspired by the teaching profession. Therefore as a career and curiosity, I enrolled in the bachelor of education course and learned different aspects of teaching and its role in nations building. My passion for teaching continues and I taught Physics, Photonics, Electronics, and computer hardware like 8085, 8086, platinum processors, computer architecture, ALP, and embedded systems for one year at Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalaya, Latur (Autonomous) to all classes from 12th to M.Sc. Also developed practicals to study embedded systems, microprocessors, and microcontrollers. There I experienced the joy of teaching and was stimulated to pursue a PhD. During my PhD also been privileged to teach Astronomy and Astrophysics practicals and helped in Masters’s projects. From teaching, I am trying to motivate students and teach between the lines of the textbook by giving examples and background history. I focus on the physical interpretation of physics equations. How we can use it in practice, day to day life, and understand nature’s fundamental rules. Learning should be fun and I believe it is teachers’ responsibility to explain concepts in an interesting manner, increase curiosity, and give support to creativity, and imagination. Also, my strong conviction is that teaching should be practical and linked with the real world. Therefore, I always insist my students explore outside of their comfort zones and take advantage of the opportunities available around and gain new experiences to better understand the topic. By doing this, students can be mentally prepared for the challenges they could be facing in the future.
Relevant Skills:
Positive and logical thinking, An openness to mastering new things, Multicultural teamwork and communication, Inquisitive, Transforming discussion into action, Active listening & writing, Effective management of big events, and Problem solving.
Hobbies and Interests:
Science and Social Activism, Science Outreach, Human History, Space Nanotechnology
Too much detail – Focused, More Multitasking, Extra Systematicness
Discovery Publications: arXiv NASA ADS link
- The radio source in Abell 980: A Detached-Double-Double Radio Galaxy? (Gopal-Krishna, Surajit Paul, Sameer Salunkhe & Satish Sonkamble, 2022, PASA, 39, e049) arXiv Published Media Coverage
- Deciphering the ultra-steep spectrum diffuse radio sources discovered in the cool-core cluster Abell 980 (Sameer Salunkhe, Surajit Paul, Gopal-Krishna, Satish Sonkamble & Shubham Bhagat, 2022, A&A, 664, A186) arXiv Published Media Coverage
Selected Publications: arXiv NASA ADS link
- The effect of cluster dynamical state on ram-pressure stripping (Ana C. C. Lourenço, Y. L. Jaffé, B. Vulcani, A. Biviano, B. Poggianti, A. Moretti, K. Kelkar, J. Crossett, M. Gitti, R. Smith, T. F. Laganá, M. Gullieuszik, A. Ignesti, S. McGee, A. Wolter, S. Sonkamble & A. Müller, 2023, MNRAS, 526, 4831 – 4847) arXiv Published
- Environmental processes at work in galaxy clusters: triggering of the AGN activity and development of X-ray tails (A. Moretti, S. Sonkamble, M. Radovich, A. Wolter, A. Ignesti, M. Gitti, B. Poggianti, B. Vulcani, M. Gullieuszik, D. Bettoni, R. Paladino, A. Franchetto, M. Mingozzi, N. Tomicic, S. De Grandi, A. Biviano & A. Omizzolo, 2022, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, Vol. 93, 108) arXiv Published
- uGMRT detection of cluster radio emission in low-mass Planck Sunyaev–Zel’dovich clusters (S Paul, P Gupta, S Salunkhe, S Bhagat, S Sonkamble, M Hiray, P Dabhade & Somak Raychaudhury, 2021, MNRAS, 506, 5389) arXiv Published
- Radio-relic and the diffuse emission trail discovered in a low mass galaxy cluster Abell 1697 (S Paul, S Salunkhe, S Sonkamble, P Gupta, T Mroczkowski & Somak Raychaudhury, 2020, A&A, 633, A59) arXiv Published
- Merging cold front and AGN feedback in the peculiar galaxy cluster Abell 2626 (S K Kadam, S S Sonkamble et al., 2019, MNRAS, 484, 4113) arXiv Published
- AGN Feedback in Galaxy Groups: A Detailed Study of X-Ray Features and Diffuse Radio Emission in IC 1262 (M B Pandge, S S Sonkamble et al., 2019, ApJ, 870, 62) arXiv Published
- MACS J0553.4-3342: A young merging galaxy cluster caught through the eyes of Chandra and HST (M B Pandge, J Bagchi, S S Sonkamble et al., 2017, MNRAS, 472, 2042) arXiv Published
- Detection of a pair of prominent X-ray cavities in Abell 3847 (N D Vagshette, S Naik, M K Patil, S S Sonkamble, 2017, MNRAS, 466, 2054) arXiv Published
- AGN-driven perturbations in the intracluster medium of the cool-core cluster ZwCl 2701 (N D Vagshette, S S Sonkamble, S Naik, M K Patil, 2016, MNRAS, 461, 1885) arXiv Published
- X-ray cavities and temperature jumps in the environment of the strong cool core cluster Abell 2390 (S S Sonkamble, N D Vagshette, P K Pawar, M K Patil, 2015, Ap&SS, 359, 61) arXiv Published
- X-ray emission from a prominent dust lane lenticular galaxy NGC 5866 (N D Vagshette, S S Sonkamble, S K Pandey & M K Patil, 2015, Asian Journal of Physics, Vol. 24 No. 8, 1031) arXiv Published
- Investigation of X-ray cavities in the cooling flow system Abell 1991 (M B Pandge, N D Vagshette, S S Sonkamble & M K Patil, 2013, Ap&SS, 345: 183) arXiv Published
- Sloshing and spiral structures breeding a radio mini-halo in the environment of a cool-core cluster Abell 795 (S K Kadam, Sameer Salunkhe, N D Vagshette, Surajit Paul, S S Sonkamble, P K Pawar and M. K. Patil, 2024, MNRAS accepted) arXiv Published
- Metal enrichment in galaxy group IC 1262 (Satish S Sonkamble, Dharam V. Lal, 2024, Ap&SS Submitted) arXiv Published
- Cool-core, X-ray cavities and cold front revealed in RXCJ0352.9+1941 cluster by Chandra and GMRT observations (S. S. Sonkamble, S. K. Kadam, Surajit Paul, M. B. Pandge, P. K. Pawar, M. K. Patil, 2024, JoAA accepted) arXiv Published
- Sloshing cold fronts in galaxy cluster Abell 2566 (S. K. Kadam, S. S. Sonkamble, N. D. Vagshette, M. K. Patil, 2024, New Astronomy accepted) arXiv Published
- Star forming clumps in the starburst galaxy M 82 (N. D. Vagshette, M. K. Patil, S. S. Sonkamble, Sachindra Naik, 2024, JoAA Submitted) arXiv Published
Professional Memberships :
(1) Life member of “Indian Physics Association (IPA)” Membership No. POO/LM/13332
(2) Life member of “The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)” Membership No. L36736
(3) Life member of “Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT)” Membership No. L7799
(4) Life member of “Astronomical Society of India (ASI)” Membership No. L2236
(5) Junior member of “International Astronomical Union (IAU)” Membership No. 19639
(6) Life member of “Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)” Membership No. LM 130009
(7) Life member of Indian Radio Science Society (InRaSS), New Delhi Membership No. LM1002023
(8) Full member of African Astronomical Society (AfAS), Cape Town, South Africa
(9) Neutron Scattering Society of India (NSSI), Mumbai Life Membership No. 303
Editorial Board Member:
(1) Open Astronomy (OA) IF = 0.935
(2) American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (AJAA)
(3) International Journal of Cosmology, Astronomy and Astrophysics (IJCAA)
(4) Universal Journal of Physics Research (UJPR)
(1) Advances in Physics and Astronomy: An International Journal (APAIJ)
(2) Space Science International (SSI)
(3) International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (IJAA) IF = 0.70
(4) Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ)
(5) Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences (JENRS)
(6) International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD)
(7) Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
(8) International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
Refresher Course :
Successfully completed a refresher course on Astronomy and Astrophysics organized by the Astronomy Centre for Educators (ACE) – Teaching Learning Centre (TLC) of IUCAA, Pune from 16th May to 17th June 2022.
Indian Patents:
(1) Design and implementation of solar cells that are based on perovskite and organic materials for increasing the absorption capacity
Gaikwad Sanjay, Sonkamble Satish, Tehare Kailas, Bhande Sambhaji & Mutkule Sandesh
Application No. 202221024026, Journal No. 26/2022, Date: 01 July 2022, Status: Published
(2) Artificial intelligence based approach to analyse the impact of plasmonic nanomaterials in the increasing the efficiency of solar cell
Tehare Kailas, Zate Manohar, Sonkamble Satish, Gaikwad Sanjay, Tate Bhagorao & Vibhute Prashant
Application No. 202221039602, Journal No. 36/2022, Date: 9 Sept. 2022, Status: Published
Lab Development:
(1) National Observational Facility :
Actively involved in building National Observational Facility with my Ph.D supervisor at the School of Physical Sciences, SRTM University Nanded (MS), India. We installed Meade 16’’ LX200 ACF Optical Telescope with a fully automated wall-based; 3.5 meter Sirius dome. Currently, this is a unique facility at the university level in India. This facility is funded under the DST-FIST scheme. The project cost was 1 crore.
(2) High Performance Computing Facility:
Helped in installations and operated “HP Linux Cluster” HPC at the School of Physical Sciences,
SRTM University, Nanded
Model Name: HP ProLiant DL160 G6 Intel Xeon (Unit cost Rs. 35 Lakhs)
Node : 7
Master Node : 1
Total Computing Node : 7+1
CPU or Core: 64 (8 node x 2 x Quad core processor)
RAM : DDR3 64 GB ( 8 node x 8 GB )
HDD : Master Node : 2.5 TB
Other Node : 5.74 TB ( 7 x 820 GB )
Processing Speed : 3.6 GHz per Quad core processor
Operating System : 64 bits CentOS Version 6.4
(3) Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab:
We developed Microprocessor, Microcontroller, and its Interfacing Laboratory at Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalaya, Latur (NAAC: A Grade ). We bought many 8085, 8086, Intel Pentium, 8051 systems. This lab is relatively big and used by students of B.Sc., BCS, BCA, M. Sc. Physics, and M. Sc. Computer Science. Also, we prepared practicals including interfacing for all students according to their curriculum.
(4) Extension Activity / Community Work / Science Outreach:
(i) During my Ph.D I am involved in the Astronomy & Astrophysics science outreach activity of the School of Physical Sciences, SRTM University, Nanded. Organized many sky watch programs, Astronomical events like solar, lunar eclipses, zero shadow day, etc. for college and school students using the 8-inch and 16-inch telescopes. And also delivered introductory talks and motivated students toward science.
(ii) I was partially involved for 1 year in the smooth running of the “International Students Center (ISC)” of SRTM University, Nanded with the director of ISC.
Founder Message:
मी डॉ. सतीश श्रीपती सोनकांबळे आणि माझे 13 सहकारी मिळून AICASE ची स्थापना केली आहे. AICASE म्हणजे All India Council for Astronomy and Space Education ( अखिल भारतीय खगोलशास्त्र आणि अंतराळ शिक्षण परिषद). आपण या संकेतस्थळाला भेट देऊन परिषदेबाबतची अधिकची माहिती घेऊ शकता. AICASE ही एक विज्ञानाचा, खगोलशास्त्राचा प्रचार-प्रसार करणारी ऑर्गनायझेशन आहे. या परिषदेमार्फत शाळा, कॉलेजेस, इतर शैक्षणिक संस्था, व ग्रामपंचायत, पंचायत समिती, जिल्हा परिषद, राज्य स्तरावर जाऊन विविध विज्ञान व खगोलशास्त्र विषयक छोटे-मोठे प्रयोग, ग्रह, चंद्र, तारे, धूमकेतू , आकाशातील विविध घडामोडी, ग्रहणे, इत्यादीची दुर्बिणीद्वारे खूप स्पष्टपणे आणि बारकाईने विद्यार्थी,नागरिक, पालक, शिक्षक, कर्मचारी यांना माहिती देतो. या माध्यमातूनच विद्यार्थी, पालक, नागरिक यांच्यात जिज्ञासा जागृत करून या विषयाची गोडी निर्माण करून या सर्वांचे संबोध स्पष्ट करणे हा हेतू या परिषदेचा आहे. खगोलशास्त्र हा विषय असा आहे की, ते जनसामान्य पर्यंत जाता येतो. व शिक्षित-अशिक्षित लोकांना जोडता येते. गावोगावांच्या शाळा कॉलेजला जाऊन पोर्टेबल प्लॅनेटोरियम (Portable Planetarium) दाखवतोत. या कार्यक्रमातून अवकाशातील अनेक रोमांचक गोष्टी दाखवल्या आणि सांगितल्या जातात. आम्ही वरील मंडळींना एक प्रकारे अंतराळाची सफर घडवून आणतो. अशा विविध उपक्रमातून आपण आपल्या संस्थेचे नाव परिणामकारकरीत्या जनसामान्यात रुजवू शकतो.
Last Updated on January 11, 2025 by Sonkamble Satish